It is with a heavy heart and utmost sincerity that I write this letter about the loss of our beloved employee, Caitlin Gulley.

The Tribe has just learned of Caitlin’s passing, which occurred on Saturday, September 10th in Santa Clarita, California. The sudden news of her death has found us unprepared and devastated.  To those who experienced Caitlin’s personality, character, and passion, we mourn with you today.

Caitlin’s young age did not reflect her wisdom. The business relationships and personal friendships we had with Caitlin have been sources of enrichment and enjoyment for us. Her co-workers, and the countless others with whom she crossed paths during her journey in the cultural resources industry, held Caitlin in the highest regard. I am sure that her example will continue to be an inspiration to us all.

We will miss Caitlin greatly.


Rudy Ortega Jr.

Tribal President